Stop Making New Year’s Resolutions & Try This Instead

It’s that time of year when we are encouraged to make New Year’s Resolutions.  Take a moment to look into our future and ask ourselves this question… What areas in our life are we willing to commit to do differently, so that by this time next year we will have better results?   There are the typical ones like becoming more active, healthier, less stressed, and less overwhelmed.  Actions that support these resolutions may be joining a gym, starting a diet, saying no more often, and delegating more.

A few years ago, I challenged my clients to consider instead of creating a list of ‘To Dos’, to create a list of ‘To Bes’ as their New Year’s Resolutions.  One example could be:  to be more passionate.  This is something they can generate daily and doesn’t depend on how much they weigh or how many times they went to the gym.  It serves as a reminder to check in with ourselves and set our intention for how we want to show up in life.  By being more passionate, new actions will naturally flow from this place, that we may find are better than what we would have listed for ourselves as a ‘to do’.   This was my challenge then as a new way of creating resolutions.

Today, I find more and more of us are already into this way of thinking.  What would we want to do differently?  How would we want to show up in our lives more?  So this year, I have a different challenge for us… instead of New Year’s Resolutions list, make a New Year’s Blessings list.  How often do we slow down to take note of the things we consider to be our life’s blessings.  How easy is it for us to list the little blessings as much as the big ones?  Do we find ourselves in gratitude when we think about another New Year?

Among my top blessings, I count this website as a way to interact with my readers, making a difference in their lives and the lives of those they touch.  I count my family as a top blessing.  Not only are they a unique squad of fun and variety, but they also have the ability to love one another unconditionally.  Among my little blessings were the Christmas notes I received from my children in 2015.  I share joint custody, so we alternate from year to year.  2015 was Christmas with their dad.  Considering this, my husband had them make me cards, so he could give them to me on Christmas.  They were handmade in their own words wishing me a Merry Christmas.  These cards and my husband’s thoughtfulness and love touched my heart and became the top gift I received that day.

Merry Christmas Cards

So, what are some of your New Year’s Blessings…?


Toni McGillen
